Registry operator StartingDot Ltd, owner of the extensions .archi, .bio and .ski, has been acquired by Afilias. As a result, the three extensions of StartingDot will be migrated to the Afilias platform on the 4th of February 2017.
From technical perspective nothing will change: the extensions will remain operational and the ordering and management processes remain similar to the current situation.
What does change, however, is the pricing. Afilias operates nearly all of its extensions in US dollars, and feels the potential of those extensions will be better recognized by changing from euros to dollars. That means that, from the 4th of February 2017, the prices for .archi, .bio and .ski are listed in the table below.
StartingDot’s extensions are a good fit with other Afilias TLDs:
- .archi is exclusively for architects, architecture agencies, universities and other architecturally-oriented organizations. Over 5,000 architects worldwide have already registered their .archi domain.
- .bio has several uses ranging from “biologique” or organic, to “biography” or CV. .bio is unrestricted and available to all.
- .ski is also unrestricted, but has been specially created for the ski industry and ski enthusiasts. If you love snow sports, you can now have a web address ending in .ski. Share your experiences, promote your brand, and even attract new clients online with a web address designed exclusively for members of the ski sports community.
New currency and prices
The price overview below will be effective as from the 4th of February 2017 for new registrations, transfers, renewals and reactivations. Those prices are in USD. Registrations, transfers and renewals done before the 4th of February will be charged the current euro amounts.