At Openprovider, we want to inform you of the upcoming industry deprecation of 3-year certificates. The maximum validity period of SSL certificates will be reduced to 2 years.
The CA/Browser Forum has approved Ballot 193. This ballot will reduce the maximum validity period (or ”lifetime”) of Domain Validated (DV) or Organization Validated (OV) SSL/TLS certificates from 39 months to 27 months (825 days). The maximum lifetime of Extended Validation (EV) certificates was already limited to 2 years.
This industry-wide change is required of all Certificate Authorities:
- February 20, 2018 for Symantec, RapidSSL, GeoTrust and Thawte certificates.
- March 1, 2018 for Comodo certificates.
How does this affect current SSL certificates?
Any SSL certificate issued before the above dates with a validity period of 3 years should continue to work as normally. You do not have to perform any actions. After the above dates, the term of re-issuing SSL certificates will be limited to 27 months (825 days)
What does this mean for new applications?
Once the resolution is adopted by the CAs, it will no longer be possible to order SSL certificates with a validity period of more than 27 months (825 days), either through the Openprovider control panel or API.
We appreciate your business. If you have additional questions, please contact our support team or your sales representative.