You may already know the trademark protection services by Trademark Clearinghouse (TREx) and registry Donuts (DPML). Another portfolio registry has now joined the game. Uniregistry has introduced their “Uniregistry Extended Protection Service”, or “Uni EPS” for short.
Just like TREx and DPML, ordering a Uni EPS Block will protect a validated trademark across 23 extensions that Uniregistry manages. These range from .hiphop to .hosting and from .christmas to .click. Uniregistry’s trademark protection service assures that nobody else besides a trademark holder, can register that specific term in those extensions.
Blocking a term is a much cheaper defensive approach than actually registering all domains. This is especially the case when you know that premium terms are included as well. Of course, at any moment the trademark holder can also unblock a specific domain and start using it.
The price of a Uni EPS block is $329 per year. Uniregistry offers the more extensive “Plus” option as well. This includes not only the literal trademark, but also all TMCH labels and IDN variants. The “Plus” option costs $799 per year.
You more information about Uni EPS, Uni EPS+, and all other trademark protection services in our Knowledge Base.
Interested? Contact for more information or to place an order!
Extensions covered by Uniregistry’s trademark protection service
Uni EPS and Uni EPS+ cover the following extensions:
- .audio
- .blackfriday
- .christmas
- .click
- .country
- .diet
- .flowers
- .game
- .gift
- .guitars
- .help
- .hiphop
- .hiv
- .hosting
- .juegos
- .link
- .lol
- .mom
- .photo
- .pics
- .property
- .sexy
- .tattoo