
EasyDMARC in practice – case study Procys

Author: Valeria van der Poel
Domain Security News
case study procys easydmarc

Email can quickly get out of hand. How can you keep track of your outgoing emails, make sure they don’t end up as spam, and make sure no one is sending unauthorized emails from your domain? You have likely already thought about experimenting with DMARC and SPF settings in order to improve on these points. However, there are many caveats to this, and manually adjusting the records might not bring you the results you were hoping for. Enter EasyDMARC! EasyDMARC is an integrated solution that helps you manage your outbound emails from one central place and increase your email deliverability. 

Hicham El Hafed is the director of Procys, a startup in the area of AI-powered invoice processing. He has been using EasyDMARC at Procys for several months now. We sat down with Hicham to learn about the way EasyDMARC has improved work at Procys and given them unexpected insights into their email strategy.

Openprovider: What inspired you to try EasyDMARC?

Hicham: Procys is a startup, so we are trying new things every day. We change everything on a daily basis because we want to learn what works best for us. So, everything started when we noticed that our emails were not arriving in people’s inboxes. A lot of them were going straight into our contacts’s spam folders. We had already tried manually adjusting the SPF record, but this was not solving our problem.

On top of this, we also did not have accurate oversight on which platforms were sending emails on our behalf, such as HubSpot. We did not have any visibility into automated emails that we had sent in the past. Because of this, we have been looking around for solutions that could help us track all of the emails that were being sent from

Openprovider: So, how did EasyDMARC change this for you?

Hicham: EasyDMARC has recorded all emails that are sent from our domain from the first day we installed it. It immediately gave us a lot of insights that we were missing before. We use a variety of platforms to send automated emails. Think of Chargify for billing, Mailgun for transactional emails, and HubSpot for marketing campaigns. Because of EasyDMARC, we immediately discovered that some platforms that we were not actively using anymore were still sending emails on our behalf. This is something that we would not have discovered without EasyDMARC.

On top of this, using EasyDMARC also made us feel a lot more secure. we also don’t want anyone else to send emails through It is our domain and our brand. So, it is great to use a tool that tracks every single email that is sent from our domain and to know which servers they come from. It makes me feel safe that I can blacklist these servers immediately.

Another thing that I really like about EasyDMARC is that you don’t have to change any records yourself. I don’t have to log into our DNS nameservers and change or create new records all the time. With EasyDMARC’s hosted DMARC and SPF solution, I can simply log in to EasyDMARC and have everything together in one, centralized platform. So, whenever I want to whitelist a new platform or supplier that is sending emails from my brand, I can simply authorize them in the control panel.

It’s the same for BIMI. I no longer have to spend a long time uploading images and putting them into the DNS records, when I can easily upload my image in the EasyDMARC control panel and have it deployed automatically.

Openprovider: What insights have you gotten through EasyDMARC?

Hicham: EasyDMARC has given us a lot of invaluable insights into our email flows. For example, on one email server, our European servers were in the whitelist, but our American servers were not. So, every time an email was sent from an American server, it would go straight into people’s spam folders.

Another example is that we changed our domain some time ago, and we found out that HubSpot was still sending emails from our old domain. Without EasyDMARC, it would have been a lot harder to spot this stuff. And these are just a few things we discovered in the first 24 hours of using it!

Openprovider: Who would you recommend EasyDMARC to?

Hicham: I would recommend EasyDMARC to anyone who doesn’t want to waste their time changing SPF and DMARC records, and who is looking for a centralized solution that covers every single area of outbound email security. EasyDMARC has given us a full picture of our outbound emails and larger insights into things we can optimize.

I think DMARC is a must to have in our current time, just like it is a must to have an SSL certificate, or browsers will not show your website. Many email servers nowadays have enabled enhanced security layers. These will reject any email that does not have DMARC settings in order to prevent their customers from receiving spam. So, not utilizing DMARC these days means that your emails are not arriving in a lot of inboxes around the globe.

Openprovider: You have probably considered various solutions to your problems. Why did you choose EasyDMARC, as opposed to any alternatives?

Hicham: I’m a very hands-on person, and I have quite a lot of technical knowledge about this. That’s why I first looked at manual solutions to fix our problems. After a while, however, I realized that this problem lies outside of my control. If tomorrow someone else decides to send an email from your domain, there is no way for you to know that. A manual approach will not tell you that. So, because of this, I decided to try EasyDMARC.

Openprovider: So, even as a highly technical person who knows a lot about DNS records and domain configuration, you still prefer to use EasyDMARC, rather than going through everything manually?

Hicham: Yes, the hosted solution has definitely made my life easier. You no longer need to log into the nameservers yourself or give anyone else access to your full DNS infrastructure. Many smaller companies work with a third party that is responsible for IT. In these cases, the third party will just get limited access to a single feature, rather than to the full infrastructure. You could even see this as another security layer for your business.

Openprovider: Which part of your business has EasyDMARC improved the most for you? Are there any benefits you didn’t expect?

Hicham: To be honest, I was surprised with the results. In the beginning, I was not entirely sure what this tool could do for us. After you enable EasyDMARC, you have to wait for 24 hours before you can see the first results. I was definitely surprised with the results we got, as I have said before.

Something else I noticed was that we send a lot of transactional emails, more than I actually thought we were. It made me think: hold on, I think we can simplify this process. So, for us, it inspired us to change our email workflows, which is definitely a plus.

Openprovider: Thank you very much, Hicham!

Learn more about EasyDMARC here, and book a call with one of our sales specialists in order to learn more about what this tool can do for you.


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